NXM Autonomous Security for
IoT Endpoint Protection
Complete Threat Protection for IoT Devices, User Apps and Cloud Services
NXM Autonomous Security
Simple SDKs make it easy to add best-in-class IoT security to protect your devices and your mobile & web applications.
Unrivaled Zero-Trust 2.0 protection against a new generation of threats like insider and ransomware attacks.
Streamlined device, service and security management via next generation Zero-Touch 2.0 features
Automates security event detection, response and recovery.
Manages your security while leaving you complete control over your data using a Cloud Vendor of your choosing.
Key Concepts
Zero Trust 2.0
Unrivaled security protects the IoT device and access to its data by taking advantage of secure enclave and blockchain technology. Eliminates a new generation of threats including ransomware and insider threats.
Zero Touch 2.0
Fully automates and protects device, service and security management processes by taking advantage of secure enclave and blockchain technology. Streamlines the administrative experience while also eliminating single-points of attack present in other solutions.
Automated Detection & Response
Automates device security self-monitoring / self-response by taking advantage of secure enclave and blockchain technology. Automated actions can range from simple event logging & notification all the way up to granular suspension of device telemetry and actuation.
Automated Recovery
Fully automates the security recovery process from simple device crypto key regeneration all the way up to automated CI/CD pipeline and push-button authorization to trigger the FOTA update process.
Fast Track to Security Certification
Solution is pre-certified as a fast-track to UL’s Security IoT Component Qualification and other IoT certification programs. Solution also takes advantage of SoCs that are Arm PSA and/or SESIP security certified.
Scalable Security
We perform performance and scalability tests on each SDK release and cloud service update. Our solution is designed for rapid scalability and can support a virtually unlimited number of IoT devices.

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